CoDrive Tells You the Curve!

Would you like to drive every road as if you’ve always known it? This is the solution!



It’s more than a navigator: it’s your virtual driving assistant, enhancing navigation by providing vocal alerts about upcoming curves, including their gradient and level of danger.

Try CoDrive Now!




CoDrive tells you the curve!

Try CoDrive Now!

Would you like to drive every road as if you’ve always known it? This is the solution!


It’s more than a navigator: it’s your virtual driving assistant, enhancing navigation by providing vocal alerts about upcoming curves, including their gradient and level of danger.


14 times Italian Rally Champion

Driving Instructor

Rally del Ciocco 2014. Racing in Progress.

I arrive from a downhill stretch at about 150/160 km/h. My co-pilot, Anna, reads aloud: “300 meters stretch: caution, right three, dangerous for left hairpin.” Approaching fast in fifth gear, I brake hard because my co-pilot reminds me. I navigate the right three in third gear, execute a handbrake turn in the left hairpin with ‘rally brushwork,’ and proceed confidently and precisely.


Every time I pass there, I see that guardrail on the ‘right three,’ always marked by incidents from drivers caught off guard by their lack of road knowledge, and I think to myself: “Ah, if they had a co-pilot…

And here’s the idea!

Supported by a team of expert programmers in developing artificial intelligence algorithms, I use my experience to transfer it into a digital solution, available for everyone!

As a professional rally driver, I use a co-pilot because I want to go fast, but an “automatic co-pilot” can be used in ALL vehicles for more valid reasons: safety, better driving, fuel efficiency… Because “knowing means better road handling.

Thus, CoDrive is born!

Enhance Your Navigator!

Experience CoDrive


CoDrive makes you feel safer behind the wheel, helps improve your driving style, and even saves you money!

Enhanced Safety

With CoDrive, drivers can feel more confident behind the wheel, especially when navigating unfamiliar roads, driving at night, or in adverse weather conditions such as rain, fog, or snow.

Savings with CoDrive

By following all the directions provided by CoDrive to navigate curves effectively, you can significantly reduce fuel consumption (or battery usage, for electric vehicles) and minimize vehicle wear and tear.


CoDrive also allows you to share your performance with other members, creating rankings for the most responsible driver, the most eco-friendly driver, and those with the best combination of safety and efficiency.


With the information provided by CoDrive and enriched by its community, every route will feel like you’ve always known it!

Three Different Algorithms for Enhanced Effectiveness


CoDrive incorporates three patented algorithms, developed in collaboration with the Perceptual Robotics Laboratory at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, absolutely unique in the industry.

CoDrive is incredibly helpful in all low-visibility conditions.

We can confidently say that we have developed something exceptional for foggy conditions.
Simply knowing in advance the direction of the upcoming curve grabs the driver’s attention, prompting them to focus both their gaze in the right direction and their trajectory, thereby improving their approach to the curve.

Imagine being in near-zero visibility:

Wouldn’t you benefit from a system that alerts you to approaching curves, their gradient, and danger level?

We designed and created this system! It is a real step forward towards safety, which can rightly be considered a support for future autonomous driving systems ("ADAS").

They all have their advantages and peculiarities.
After several kilometers of testing we managed to develop a system that is easy to use, but above all useful in difficult conditions that have always intimidated any driver.

CoDrive & Forcite

E’ stata avviata una collaborazione strategica con l’azienda australiana Forcite, nota nell’ambito dei caschi “smart” per essere una delle più avanzate del settore. I suoi caschi sono un concentrato di tecnologie: a breve (Q2 2024) ne farà parte anche il nostro sistema!

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Fill out the form or send us an email, and one of our associates will be happy to answer all your questions.
