
CoDrive is of great help in all conditions of poor visibility.

We can definitely say that we have developed something exceptional for fog cases. The mere fact of knowing in advance which way the curve turns attracts the driver’s attention, leading him to focus both his gaze in the right direction and the trajectory and consequently the approach to the curve.

Imagine that you are without visibility:

Could you need a system that warns you of the approaching curve and its gradation and danger?
We found it! E’ un vero passo avanti verso la sicurezza ed in queste condizioni un vero aiuto potenziale agli “ADAS” .

They all have their advantages and peculiarities.
After several kilometers of testing we managed to develop a system that is easy to use, but above all useful in difficult conditions that have always intimidated any driver.

What do those who have tried it say?

We have selected a group of selected people, here are their comments….

Barbara A. : He had no idea what Codrive was, driving in the fog and getting used to the system in 2 km, he picks up the pace and drives. Federico, her husband, takes Codrive away from her: and with the usual tone that only we men know: “PUT IT BACK TO ME NOW! …..”
It really helped me even on a road I thought I knew, in the fog I found myself lost, with Codrive another drive
Paolo G